Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Highgrove enVision Study Day

Highgrove has a hardworking staff committed to their students!

On June 16, teachers dedicated an entire day to expanding their knowledge about the new math program. After one year of implementation, they were ready to fully learn about everything enVision has to offer in the way of differentiation, technology and problem solving. enVision is a new, "written from scratch" series that is tightly aligned with the framework and emphasizes applied mathematics. They plan to follow up in the fall with an increased focus on problem solving with bar diagrams, use of the Math Diagnosis and Intervention System, and incorporation of the many innovative features that can support effective instruction and engage students

1 comment:

  1. I had a chance to see it for myself (Thanks, Dawn) and it is true that they are a hard-working and dedicated staff. I saw their smiles growing as the day went on. There was a sense of ownership and enthusiasm that grew as teachers discovered new resources for effective instruction & differentiation. It was a long math day but no one complained. One teacher told me, "I wish I had learned math this way."
